Manners & Responsibility

Teaching Manners & Responsibility

Raising a child is one thing, but raising a responsible child is another. Raising a responsible kid is quite important, in that these kids end being the one to steer the affairs of the society in the nearest future. As such, parents should leave no stone unturned in making sure that their kids are groomed into responsible humans.

Here are a few pointers on things to focus on teaching your kids on this issue bordering on responsibility.


Teaching your kids manners is certainly no walk in the park. But with these tips, we hope it comes close to being one. With these pointers, you can rest assured that you are one step in the direction of raising your kid to become respectful.

  • Teach your kids basic etiquettes and good manners. Let them learn from an early stage how to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ Let them learn and understand how to act prim and proper at social events. Little things like table manners and dining etiquettes go a long way in teaching your kids to be well-mannered.
  • Also, constantly remind your kids to be always mindful and intentional about being the best version of themselves. Let them understand how to wait to enter other person’s houses, how to exchange pleasantries with adults and their mates, how to decline offers politely.

Money Management

Money is very important, and teaching your kid to be financially responsible right from little helps them build money smartness. Get your kid to understand the implication of money and what it means to have it. Here are free tips on how to teach money intelligence in your kids.

  • Organise for your kids fun activities to teach them about money in a fun way. This way, they get to understand the basic principles that money revolves around. They also get familiarised with financial concepts such as delayed and accumulated gratification, simple and compounding interest, etc.
  • Allow your kids to take little financial decisions, for instance, your son wants a toy, tell him he has to earn money by being on good behaviour, and saving up for the toy. This way, your kid also gets to inculcate the habit of saving right form a very young age.


Have a leap of faith and get your kid who is a teenager registered in a driving school. Learning to drive also helps to teach him or her various other qualities, such as discipline, patience, perseverance, etc.


Racism is a very sensitive issue bordering on diversity, and the sooner your kid knows and understands it, the better it is.

Take time out and discuss at length with your kids how to be tolerant of other persons. Explain how each person is quite distinct based on ethnicity, race, gender, culture etc. Your kid must also be aware that these differences have to be respected.

Teaching Values and Responsibility

Part of being a responsible and well-mannered kid is having some responsibilities. Get your kid to understand the importance of family values and how they help shape their identity.  Make them interested in volunteering because service to humanity is the work of life.