Pregnancy Symptoms

The Symptoms of Pregnancy

Symptoms are slightly different from signs. Symptoms are subjective that is relating to a particular individual. Although pregnancy symptoms may vary and mostly in terms of severity, they are not very much dynamic.  One of them is experienced by at least four women out of five; hence they are usually infused with signs. If you experience any unusual symptoms apart from the following, kindly see a doctor immediately.

Sensitivity to Smell and Taste

Most pregnant women suddenly develop sharp senses, especially smell and taste. They become more aware of the smell of everything in their environment. Also, you may create a weird taste of foods in your pregnant state. It is a common symptom and not abnormal.  

Lightning Crotch pain

Lightning Crotch refers to the pain experienced in somebody regions, including the vagina and the pelvis region in general.

Tummy Stretches

Pregnant moms also experience pulling and pinching as well as cramps in the abdomen.


When you are pregnant, the body produces a series of hormones, one of which is the progesterone. This particular hormone relaxes the bowel walls and makes it difficult to pass waste.


Bloating is also attributed to changes caused by the production of progesterone in the body.


Dizziness is experienced more often in the second or last trimester.


Aches include all kinds of discomfort although headache comes at the early stage. It goes along with hormonal changes.

Excess Saliva

Some pregnant women experience excess saliva in the mouth. This excess saliva is because the saliva produced can no longer be controlled due to their present state. On the other hand, some may experience dry mouth and become thirstier.

Is It Possible Not to Have Pregnancy Symptoms?

Yes, this is possible. It has happened to about 20% of women and is attributed to a lot of factors. People who experience mild symptoms attribute it to other body conditions; for instance, one may ignore an irregular period. It can also be connected to deep psychological issues or sometimes, pregnancy denial for someone who doesn’t want one.

Sometimes, a person might not experience any symptoms until the fifth month; it is nothing uncommon, although it is advisable to check in with your doctor. It merely shows that everyone is built up differently.

Signs That Can Reveal the Sex of A Baby

There are two theories formulated for speculation: the old wives’ tales and the science theory. The old wives’ tales believe one is having a baby girl if you see many pink colours, have acne, crave sweet things or have high pregnancy. On the other hand, science believes it is a girl only through a medical scan, screening or ultrasound.

The old wives’ tales believe you are having a boy if you are carrying a low pregnancy, you are not adding much weight, have glowing skin, and have morning sickness which is not as severe. They also included that your feet are cold, and the baby’s heart rate is low when it is a boy child. Nonetheless, medical experts have debunked these myths with explanations of why one experiences each symptom.

Hence, it is advisable and reassuring that you visit the hospital for a proper scan.